Monday, October 7, 2013

ICAO 38th assembly concludes with plans for faster,greener global aviation development

The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) concluded its 38th triennial assembly Friday at its headquarters in Montreal with strategic plans for faster, greener global aviation development.A total of 1,845 participants from 184 member states and 54 observer delegations made the two-week meeting the largest in ICAO's history.The assembly endorsed two revised ICAO global plans with respect to safety, air navigation capacity and efficiency, security and facilitation, economic development of air transport, environmental protection, and legal objectives.The new strategy documents will be instrumental to how member states and the industry unite over the coming decades to safely expand air traffic capacity and efficiently accommodate the projected doubling of air traffic by 2030, from 100,000 to 200,000 flights daily.ICAO's states agreed to report back in 2016 with a proposal for a global market-based measure (MBM) scheme capable of being implemented by 2020. Major efforts will need to be undertaken in order to address the challenges and accommodate the specific concerns of developing countries going forward.In the area of safety, the assembly endorsed incremental targets established in a revised ICAO Global Aviation Safety Plan (GASP), reiterating that global aviation's first and guiding commitment is to reduce the rate and number of accidents worldwide through collaboration and partnership.On air navigation capacity and efficiency, the assembly endorsed the revised ICAO Global Air Navigation Plan (GANP),Help to purchasing pallet tyre changer table There isn't an solved help to invest in pallet scissor lift table. which provides clear guidance on the required operational targets and supporting standards, with unprecedented levels of transparency and planning certainty to states, regional implementation groups, service providers, airspace users and industry stakeholders to realize the long-sought after goal of a globally-harmonized air navigation system. 

The assembly endorsed new directions on security and facilitation,thermos bottle can keep your beverage hot or cold. They are made to maintain the temperature of the beverage. But we have a new bottle that is technologically more advanced. such as the Continuous Monitoring Approach (CMA) for security audits and ICAO's new Traveler Identification Program strategy to achieve a greater balance between effective control measures and system-wide connectivity and efficiency.On the economic development of air transport, the assembly endorsed the new ICAO Strategic Objective,Two of the most common materials used for dental fillings are amalgam and composite resin. In order to help you decide which one is right for you,prepreg here is an explanation of each type and its advantages and disadvantages. which reiterates ICAO's mandate for the coming triennium to lead development on a long-term vision for liberalization, a global regulatory framework and related policy guidance, and recognizes the development of core principles for consumer protection.In the area of environmental protection, the Assembly recognized ICAO's tremendous progress during the last triennium in new technologies, operational measures and sustainable alternative fuels, noting that the topic of a global solution for a market-based measure to augment these technical and operational efforts was a more complex area where full assembly consensus was concerned.In the end, ICAO forged a landmark MBM agreement among its member states to help govern future greenhouse gas emissions.Sources at the assembly said that this agreement stresses that the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities should be maintained in a bid to guarantee the rights and interests of developing member states, and oppose any unilateral actions by some member states or certain international groups.In his address to the assembly, ICAO Council President Roberto Kobeh Gonzalez said that this MBM agreement is an historic milestone for air transport and for the role of multilateralism in addressing global climate challenges."Once again, our states have shown that significant boundaries can be surpassed when we agree to recognize and accommodate our varying circumstances while progressing together towards common goals," he said.ICAO Secretary General Raymond Benjamin said that the decisions made will help ensure and enhance air transport's critical role in securing and facilitating the free movement of people and goods,A composite filling is a tooth-colored plastic and glass mixture used to restore decayed teeth. carbon sheetComposites are also used for cosmetic improvements of the smile by changing the color of the teeth or reshaping disfigured teeth.Installation and repair of these pumps are more difficult and expensive Used excavator than other centrifugal pumps. expanding global markets and promoting broader and more sustainable social and economic prosperity worldwide."We have much work still before us but also a very clear mandate from our states to continue leveraging collaboration and partnership to ensure practical and effective progress across the board," Benjamin added.

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