Monday, September 30, 2013

Rapper Ke$ha Fights to Stop Maine's Pastry-Bearing Bear Hunters

Mitch Cummings likes to take a rifle into the Maine woods near his Bethel home, climb onto a platform secured to a tree and spend hours watching a plastic barrel stuffed with stale pastries.Used mobile cranes for sale by owner. Crane Sales include hydraulic and conventional lattice boom truck cranes.Used cranesHe's hunting black bears, using high-calorie snacks purchased in bulk and a spray that smells like jelly doughnuts to lure the animals into a narrow clearing. When he sees one he likes, he'll shoot to kill."I just stay as still as possible," said Cummings, 37, after showing off the fresh paw prints and bear droppings that surround a blue barrel licked clean by one that got away. "Bears are very smart." 
Eighty percent of the almost 3,Graphene emitters with high enhancement factor and ultra low emission field were exfoliated from carbon fibers in carbon cloth. carbon prepreg000 bears killed each year during the state's four-week hunting season in late summer are lured with bait, according to the Inland Fisheries and Wildlife Department.Animal-rights groups want to stop it. The practice gives hunters an unfair advantage and encourages bears to acquire a taste for human food, according to the Humane Society of the U.S. The group is reviving a fight that had some success in western states two decades ago. It's backing a ballot measure next year that would end baiting, trapping and using hounds to kill bears. 
"Maine is an outlier on the bear-hunting methods,Wheel bearing manufacturer,ntn bearing has added 19 wheel bearing kits to its product offering. and we need a course correction," said Wayne Pacelle, chief executive officer of the Washington-based Humane Society of the U.S., in a telephone interview. "The odds are very badly stacked against the bears." Of the 32 states with bear hunting, 12 allow baiting, according to Mainers for Fair Bear Hunting, a Portland-based coalition. Eighteen permit hounding, where dogs with GPS monitors on their collars chase bears into trees. Maine is the only state in the continental U.S. that allows trapping, a practice where a bear's paw is ensnared in a wire loop, according to the group.Komatsu Distributor Certified Used Equipment is ideal solution for cost-effective ways to expand the fleets or replace old equipment.Used komatsuThe referendum effort puts the state at the forefront of a hunters-versus-bear debate that dates to 1920s-era battles over steel traps.Promotional pens or banner pens can be a rather subtle way to market your business.Banner Pen It pits the state's animal activists against wildlife officials who say Maine's ursine population must be kept in check.

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